Average Height and Weight for a Teenager

Updated September 13, 2019
teen on scales

Just as there are several factors that determine the weight of an adult, there are several factors that determine the average teen weight. Gender, build, and age all factor into the equation. Because teens' bodies are still developing, the average weight and height of a teenager can fluctuate quite a bit from one year to the next, finally stabilizing around 18-20 years of age.

What Is the Average Height and Weight for a Teenager?

Ultimately, a healthy teen weight to height ratio depends on many factors. It is not as simple as falling into the appropriate range standard charts. What is an appropriate weight will be based on:

  • Age
  • Height
  • Build
  • Percentage of body fat

A highly physical teen boy with great muscle tone could easily weigh higher than average on the standard average height and weight chart. This is due largely to the fact that muscle cells weigh more than fat cells.

Understanding Average Height and Weight for Teen Boys

Having a handle on the average height and weight for a teen boy can give you lots of helpful information. Although your weight and height aren't used to diagnose anything, understanding where you fall in terms of these factors can give your doctor more information about other concerns you may have regarding your health and wellbeing.

Height and Weight for Teen Boys
Age Range Height Weight Percentile
12-13 years 58-62 inches 85-100 lbs. 50%
14-15 years 63-66 inches 105-125 lbs. 50%
16-17 years 67-70 inches 130-150 lbs. 50%
18-20 years 68-70 inches 150-160 lbs. 50%

Knowing the Average Height and Weight for Teen Girls

The average height and weight for a teen girl will depend on several factors and it's not uncommon for different countries and cultures to have significant differences. Like teen boys, knowing the average height and weight can provide some useful information, but shouldn't be used as a diagnostic tool.

Average Height and Weight for Teen Girls
Age Range Height Weight Percentile
12-13 years 60-63 inches 95-105 lbs. 50%
14-15 years 63-64 inches 105-115 lbs. 50%
16-17 years 64 inches 115-120 lbs. 50%
18-20 years 64 inches 125-130 lbs. 50%

Average Weight Versus BMI

Due to this, a more common measure of average healthy bodies is based on a formula known as the Body Mass Index or BMI. (BMI formula = your weight divided by your height squared). The Center for Disease Control recommends the use of a BMI calculator to screen for obesity, overweight, underweight, and healthy weight. However, the site states, "BMI is not a diagnostic tool." Even if a teen has a high BMI, a health care provider would perform other diagnostic tests to determine if a teen is overweight.

BMI Calculator Widget

Curious where you fall? Calculate your own body mass index using the handy widget above.

  1. Choose between US customary (pounds, feet and inches) or metric (kilograms, meters and centimeters) units of measurement.
  2. Type in your weight and height in the corresponding fields.
  3. Click the "Calculate" button to reveal your BMI.
  4. Click the "Clear Results" button to perform a new calculation.
  5. Use the charts below with BMI ranges for children to see where your results fall.

BMI Results for Boys

Understanding BMI for boys can give you some useful information to discuss with your doctor, especially if you have any concerns.

Age Underweight



Overweight Obese
13 15.2 or under 15.3-21.5 21.6-25 25.1 and over
14 15.9 or under 16-23.5 23.6-25.9 26 and over
15 16.6 or under 16.7-23.3 23.4-26.7 26.8 and over
16 17.2 or under 17.3-24.1 24.2-27.4 27.5 and over
17 17.6 or under 17.7-24.8 25-28.1 28.2 and over
18 18.1 or under 18.2-25.5 25.6-28.8 28.9 and over
19 18.6 or under 18.7-26.2 26.3-29.8 29.7 and over

BMI Results for Girls

Understanding what the average BMI for girls is and calculating what yours is can be a useful piece of information to speak with your doctor about. They may also calculate it for you during your annual check up.

Girls Underweight



Overweight Obese
13 15.2 or under 15.3-22.5 22.6-26.2 26.3 and over
14 15.7 or under 15.8-23.2 23.3-27.1 27.2 and over
15 16.2 or under 16.3-23.9 24-28 28.1 and over
16 16.7 or under 16.8-25.5 25.6-28.8 28.9 and over
17 17.1 or under 17.2-25.1 25.2-29.5 29.6 and over
18 17.4 or under 17.5-25.6 25.7-30.2 30.3 and over
19 17.7 or under 17.8-26 26.1-30.9 31 and over

Growth Rates and Physical Exams

Another important consideration is growth rate. This is unique to children and teens, as their BMI, height, and weight will flux as their bodies are developing. This is one of the many reasons adult averages should never be used to evaluate teenagers. Ultimately, the best evaluation is the one performed by a pediatrician. At each physical exam, height and weight should be measured, tracking progress on an individualized chart. This general health screen is recommended every two years for teenagers, aged 11 to 24 years.

Typical Teen Bodies

Teens bodies are dramatically affected by puberty. How? While the above charts highlight the average height and weight for teenagers, there is much more to this story. Pediatricians have graphs with heights, weights and BMIs for each age and percentile. If your teenager is way off this chart, a visit to your doctor is the next step. Pediatricians see lots of teen bodies, and therefore, have a much healthier appreciation for what "normal" is.

  • Hormones will begin to transition the body's structure. So, even while normal growth happens, a teen's body will begin to look different. These changes may worry a teen, as they lose their straight and narrow childlike bodies. Girls are worried about the curves and guys worry about looking sturdy and masculine. Often, actual height and weight really makes little difference.
  • All teenagers also go through a period, lasting about two years, of rapid height growth. Before this occurs, the body may appear heavier. After the growth spurt, the body begins to elongate, even appearing too thin. For girls, this time of growth usually occurs in the preteens around 10 to 14 years. For boys, it is later, usually around 12 to 16 years old.
  • A girl's body fat percentage will naturally increase and a boy's will decrease. Genetics play a large role in how this all pans out.

It's important to talk to your teens about body image and weight. Let them know that, it's impossible to come up with an ideal weight that suits everyone and teach them to appreciate and take good care of their bodies. Don't talk about fat versus thin, talk about what's healthy.

Male And Female Students

Feeling and Looking Good

Whether your fears stem from being over or underweight, in most cases the situation is easy to fix with proper eating habits and nutrition. A few things to try in order to reach and maintain your ideal weight include:

  • Eating a well-balanced diet rather than watching calories, especially when you are young and growing up
  • Maintaining adequate exercise
  • Developing good eating habits, including a variety of healthy meals and snacks and keeping higher fat foods to an occasional treat, along with regular activity

When you feel good, you look good, so focus on health more than numbers.

Address Concerns With Your Doctor

If you have concerns about your current height or weight, please address this with your primary care physician. A doctor can address all of your concerns based on your medical history, age, current height and weight.

The information contained in this article is based on current averages for girls and boys in a particular age range. Individuals may weigh either more or less than what is listed in the above charts.

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Average Height and Weight for a Teenager