Free Stuff for Teenagers

free stuff for teenagers

Parents of teens understand how expensive this age group can be, but there is numerous free stuff for teenagers available if you know where to look.

Teen Likes and Dislikes

If you are like most parents, finding the perfect gift for your teen can be a bit of a challenge. In fact, finding anything your teen will like can seem virtually impossible. The teens of today are all about getting it now, and instant gratification doesn't always come at a reasonable price. There is actually quite a bit of free stuff for teenagers out there if you know where to look. Don't depend upon your teen to find all of these free resources and items, however. You may have to do some preliminary investigation before you can convince your teen that this free stuff is worthy of his or her attention.

Not Everything Is On the Web

While you might be tempted to automatically surf the Web for all things free, there are actually lots of options right in your own hometown. For example, have you considered the following resources? Better yet, have you introduced your teenager to them?

  • Library- This is the mega free resource of all resources. Your library offers a wealth of free items, and not all of them are books! At many libraries you can check out videos and music CDs, watch in-house movies, and even learn a new craft or skill…all free of charge!
  • Recreation centers- Many recreation centers offer gym use for free, and you may be able to work out in a weight room for no charge as well. Some rec centers also offer workshops for a variety of hobbies, and many of these are free or only at a minimal charge.
  • Colleges and universities- If you need extra tutoring, check with your local college or university. Service organizations and academic clubs sometimes offer free tutoring services to local students.
  • Parks services- Check out your local state parks to find programs that are often free, including hiking trips, introduction to rock climbing, fishing, canoeing, and more.

On the Web

Now that you are more familiar with what is available in your area, it's time to check out the numerous resources available on the Web.

Test Prep

Depending upon your state's regulations, you may have to pass an exit exam before you can graduate from high school. Many states have rigid testing standards in place, and you can often find resources online with practice tests for you to try. Those who are planning on going to college will need to take the ACT or the SAT. You can access related practice materials at ACT Test Prep and SAT Test Prep.

Other Free Stuff

From free makeup samples to t-shirts and more, check out the following websites that offer free stuff for teenagers.

  • GirlsLife - This site focuses on finding free stuff that is strictly geared towards teens. Find links for free offers that you can enter to win.
  • The Free Site - Find printable coupons, samples, CDs, DVDs, and more. Check back frequently as the free offers continue to change.
  • Two Kids and a Coupon - This site offers free restaurants, movies, etc. for teens.
  • Teen Freeway- Sign up to receive updates of free offers on all sorts of items, such as magazine subscriptions, health and beauty aids, sports merchandise and more.
  • The Island of Youth - Free stuff for teens including fitness tools, samples and coupons.

Do you have any other websites that you love? Please share those with our other readers!

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Free Stuff for Teenagers