High School Summer Engineering Programs

Future engineers are needed

If you're considering a career in engineering, math, or science, take advantage of a summer vacation to dive in and see what you can learn. Engineering careers are bound to continue growing, and high school students can get a clearer picture at a summer program. There are a number of different engineering fields and types of technology that can be explored. Attending a summer engineering program can help a student understand what is available, as well as the chance to test their talents in a challenging and hands-on environment.

High School Summer Engineering Programs

There are many programs across the country for high school students who want to get advanced knowledge of engineering through an intensive and interactive summer program. Most universities offer high school summer engineering programs and outreach to high school students, so check with the schools close to you and inquire about what they offer. Here are some choices of summer programs that are available nationwide:

What to Expect at a Summer Program

There will be many opportunities to design and grow your skills at a summer engineering programs. Some of the highlights might include:

Hands-on Workshops

Many students will walk away with completed projects and knowledge they can apply after the program is finished.

  • Working to create inventions
  • Doing design experiments
  • Using actual engineering computer software
  • Building and constructing
  • Learning how to solve problems in creative and innovative ways
  • Information About Careers for Engineers

Learning About Industries for Engineers

A summer program also offers a bigger picture of the many types of industries that use engineers and how they work together. Some examples include:

  • Aerospace: Mechanical engineers and construction for the space shuttle program and other aircraft
  • Transportation: Civil engineers design and construct roads, bridges, dams and more
  • Communication: Electrical engineers work in many industries to help improve technology, wiring, radar systems, power generators, and more
  • Computers: Software and hardware engineers work with everything from computer chips to the design of systems

A Growing Field

Attending a summer engineering program or doing other summer enrichment activities is a great way to spend your time. Most engineering programs are only a couple weeks in length and could end up being the highlight of your summer, as well as a great addition to your college application.

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High School Summer Engineering Programs