Teen Music Summer Camps in Oregon

camp in Oregan

Teen music summer camps in Oregon might sound hard to find, and sometimes summer camps based on music can be. Teens who love music and play an instrument or sing might want to spend a summer at a music summer camp. If you are looking into going to a summer camp, and have never gone to one before, you might be a little nervous. There are two different kinds of summer camps: day camps where you go during the day and then go home in the evenings, and there are week or month long camps (depending on the program you choose), where you are dropped off and stay overnight at the camp until the program ends. Younger children may want to try a day camp before staying overnight, or go to a shorter camp program to avoid homesickness. Older teens usually don't have this problem though, and camps are a popular way to spend summer break among most teens.

What to Expect From Camps

If it is your first time going to summer camp, you might be a little apprehensive about what to expect. While it can be something many teens get nervous about, summer camp is a fun, memorable experience. When going to your first music summer camp, you might be unsure of what to take, or not to take, along with you. Usually camps will mail out specific lists of items you will need, but some general items you should bring along with you to summer camp are:

  • Enough clothes to last through the whole camp, and an extra outfit or two in case you get your clothes dirty.
  • Good walking shoes, not flip-flops.
  • A flashlight.
  • Sunscreen.
  • Bathing suit and beach towel.
  • Any toiletries you use in the morning at home. (I.e. toothbrush, deodorant, shampoo.)
  • A pillow and sleeping bag.

If you plan on attending a music camp, you may also be asked to bring your musical instrument, or some sort of sheet music, though some camps may already have all of these things available on campus.

Some Teen Music Summer Camps in Oregon

Looking for a teen music summer camps in Oregon can seem like a daunting task, but there are many websites that offer information. Sites like My Summer Camps.com offer huge databases of summer camps that you can search through either by state, by type, or by gender (all boys, all girls, or co-ed). If you are looking for a music summer camp and are in your school's band, then you may be able to attend a school-sponsored band camp. Non-school related music and band camps can also be found. Some of these camps are:

There are hundreds of different camps in and around Oregon, and many of these are music and band camps. Summer camp is a great way to spend a few weeks, and a great way to make many new friends that you will remember for years to come. The friends you make at a summer camp may live far away, but with the introduction of social networking sites like Facebook, keeping in touch with friends made at camp is easy. Kids in music camps often form strong friendships, since music is a common theme among all the campers and gives them something to talk about.

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Teen Music Summer Camps in Oregon